Exploring Aromatherapy Scents

The practice of aromatherapy is believed to be over 6000 years old. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used aromatherapy in their baths, massage and even in the embalming process. Studies have proved that scents made from essential oils, have an effect on the brain and body.

Majority of people have their own personal experiences related to incidence that a specific smell evokes a sensory memory. Be it the lavender perfume mother used to wear or the warm tempting smell of baking cookies. Aromatherapy utilizes this same effect to address many health issues. Certain aromatherapy scents can induce reactions within the body, helping the person become relaxed, alert, and free of pain.

Aromatherapy Scents โ€“ Use

Essential oils can be used on their own or in mixture to create specific scents that can be used for a variety of conditions. Some studies have been conducted by using aromatherapy scents on mice in attempt to evaluate the incidence of response. The outcome was that certain scents like, sandalwood and lavender helped calm agitation in mice.

Aromatherapy scents are also beneficial since they cover a wide range of conditions. For instance, Clary Sage – that is characterized a warm, soothing smell, can be used in addressing conditions like muscular pain, asthma, throat and colic infections among others. Geranium is one of the scents which have a soothing and relaxing scent. Eucalyptus is used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, flu, colds, and skin conditions.

Both of the mentioned scents can help with skin problems including acne, broken capillaries, and bruises. Lavender is one of the scents with the widest range of application, and can be used in nervous disorders, depression, skin problems, shock, sprains, asthma, sunburns, flu and many others. Other useful scents, usually administered in form of scented candles, include Jasmine, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree and Ylang Ylang โ€“ to name just a few.

From the historical perspective, aromatherapy scents have been successfully used for curing ailments, inducing relaxation, and supporting patients in becoming healthier in body and spirit. Nowadays, certain aromatherapy agents are used in commercial application. Studies indicate that when a Lavender scent is gently used with senior patients, they begin having less difficulty falling asleep, and many stop needing sleeping pills. The conclusion of Japanese research was that when certain scents, Lavender, Jasmine or Lemon, were administered, the mistakes in keyboard typing were dramatically reduced. The Lemon scent induced the biggest decrease in mistakes, they fell down for 54%. A Discovery of this mind-body-scent connection may lead towards a new path to health wellness.